Out of School Care FAQ’s
What schools do you serve?
We currently have 2 OSC locations (Lewis Farms and Savaryn) and serve 6 different schools. The list below shows the schools for the 2025/26 school year:
- Jan Reimer
- Michael Strembitsky
- Father Michael Mireau (AM Kindergarten only)
- Divine Mercy (PM Kindergarten only)
- Bishop David Motiuk
- Winterburn
We can provide Kindergarten Care for children attending other schools, provided that parents arrange for transportation. Due to the significant time and extra staff required to wait for school busses, we only meet the school bus for Bishop David Motiuk and Winterburn.
Do you provide transportation?
Transportation is provided by yellow school bus or Global Aware Care Shuttle Bus (Savaryn location only) depending on the child’s grade and school. Specific details will be provided during the application process.
Where are you located and what type of facility do you have?
- Savaryn: We rent space at Central Baptist Church (4357 Savaryn Drive SW). Here we have large, bright classrooms and lots of outdoor space to explore. Schools served: Please contact us Types of Care: Out of School Care and Daycare for children 3 years and over.
- Lewis Farms: We rent space at West Meadows Baptist Church (9333-199 Street NW). Schools served: Winterburn and Bishop David Motiuk. Types of Care: Out of School Care and Daycare for children starting at 11 months. Come and see our bright classrooms, Atrium and expansive outdoor space!
What are your fees and what do these fees include?
Rates for 2025 are below and are subject to an increase in January 2026 and any other government funding changes. Our Kindergarten rates include the affordability grant. All fees may be lower if you qualify for subsidy.
- Before & After Elementary School Care: $690/month @ Savaryn
$740/month @ Lewis Farms - KinderCare:
$326.25/month - Summer fees are higher as full-day care is provided.
The school year fees are from the first day of the school to the last day of school, early dismissal Thursdays for Catholic students and full day care on PD Days, Teacher’s Convention and Spring Break.
We are closed on statutory holidays, as well as December 24th and 31st, some additional days during the winter holidays, and one non-operational day per year, typically in June. We will also close early at 4pm once a month for a staff meeting and professional development.
Do you provide lunch for Kindergarten students?
We offer lunch service at our Lewis Farms location.
Lunch service at our Savaryn location is available through a third party and is at an extra cost. Parents may send hot food in a thermos as microwaves are not in our classrooms.
Children registered in morning kindergarten eat their lunch upon arrival at our centre, and children who attend afternoon kindergarten eat their lunch at our centre before leaving for school.

Do you offer part time care?
While we do not provide a discounted rate for families wanting to attend part-time, we do offer packages for families looking for care during PD Day and School Break days only! Click here to learn more!
What hours are you open?
We are open from 7:00 AM to 5:30 PM at each of our centres, closing early at 4 PM 8 times per year for staff meetings and professional development.
What is the ratio of Educators to children?
All childcare Centres in Alberta are required to follow the Educator to Child ratios of one Educator for up to 15 Kindergarten or Elementary students.
What types of credentials do your Educators have?
Like all childcare Centres in Alberta, all of our Educators have their provincial childcare certification, a criminal record check and child welfare check. In addition, at least 1 in 2 Educators have current first aid certificates.
What we believe sets our Educators apart is that as a small, local business we hand-pick and carefully select our Educators based on their skills, passion and demonstrated love for their profession. Many of our Educators have been with us for more than 5 years and most Educators join us as a result of being recommended by a currently employed Educator. Additionally as many of our OSC educators are University students, we are helping to give valuable experience to future professionals!
We are a tight-knit, harmonious community that cares for and supports each other well. We believe that this translates positively into the warmth and love we express to the children entrusted to our care.
What is the attendance policy when my child is ill? What are your COVID policies?
All Alberta childcare programs are mandated by AHS that sick children are to be sent home from the program and need to be symptom-free for 24 hours before they are eligible to return to group care.
We follow all AHS COVID guidelines to ensure that all children and Educators are our Centres are as safe and healthy as possible.
When does registration open?
Registration will open in the spring, once available spots are determined. If you would like to join the interest list, we invite you to complete the Join a Centre form. Families on the interest list will be contacted and spots offered based on a family’s desired start date. The most likely time to receive an OSC spot is for a July start date.
Do you offer programming in the summer?
Yes, our program operates year-round. Details about our 2024 summer programming will be available mid-March at yegsummercamp.ca
How are payments made? Do you accept subsidy?
We accept payment via pre-authorized withdrawal on the 1st of the month. We do accept subsidy. Details on how to apply for subsidy can be found here.
What is the next step?
Join the Interest List!
Complete the Join a Centre form. Available spots will be offered based on a family’s desired start date.